Loved this article, so full of insight! I agree 100% that your energy attracts the same energy from the universe, “we attract what we are”…yet it’s not as straightforward as we think.
I believe we attract certain lessons to us, learning opportunities that will help us grow closer to our truth, to love, connection, and oneness.
We start out as separate ego-centered beings, (lower vibration) and our life circumstances constantly push us to evolve our consciousness towards higher vibrations of unity and expansion.
That’s it. The ultimate lesson is to learn how to love.
When you stopped being “needy” and were able to move past haunting your partner with your anxious needs, you were taking a small step away from your ego-self. It’s a small death of the ego, to detach from it, and surrender to being without the fulfillment that it seeks in the moment.
This ability to detach from the ego, and “rise above” its hunger and demands is called “a screen” in Kabbalah. It is what ultimately enables one to sense the greater reality that is outside our limited perception. It’s what enables us to resonate with love because love is the opposite of needy. It is focused on the other. It is giving.