Hi James,
Thanks for your message!
It's great to see that you are working to uplift youth and our society at large.
I didn't read all of the articles thoroughly, but I have to say that the term "troll" seems vague to me. Who is a troll, and is it really a certain type of personality, or is our whole society suffering from the same pathology?
I'll give you an example. A few years ago I was chatting to a friend on FB. She was a hard lefty, and I was neither left or right, but being an Israeli, I had the intuition and foresight to know that Trump would be a good president to Israel. My friend was so upset that I had anything good to say or think about Trump, she kept convincing me that this could not be, that he would be terrible for Israel.
Finally when I saw that we could not agree, I told her "we just have different perspectives". The next thing she did was write a very long and mean message about how I was a "Troll" and all kinds of other insults, and then she of course unfriended me.
So that unpleasant incident taught me that the word "troll" is used in all kinds of ways that may not truly be correct, and that the true problem we have is an inability to accept other people who see and think differently. Of course some people take it to the extreme of insulting, and attacking...but in general as a society, we don't know how to have true discourse and true connection above our differences.
If it were me, I would have ALL children at ALL schools sit in circles and learn how to listen to others and connect above different viewpoints, learning that different viewpoints can "live together" and in fact, must. We need to bring humanity to a higher level of consciousness where opposites can live together.
The intolerance of other views that are different than my own, is the sign that our society needs healing.
So that are my thoughts on this, I hope this helps!