Hatred begets hatred. You are a victim yourself, of your own mentality of hate.
Maybe you should send those white zionist women straight to concentration camps, that will solve your "problem"...? Or reeducation camps. That's a "solution" too.
By the way, did you know that not all Jews are white? Did you know that many Jews came to Israel from 3rd world countries as refugees, and have dark skin?
Ethiopian Jews, for example, are black. Does that make them better than white Jews who escaped from Nazi Europe as refugees? Or do you want to get rid of all of them altogether? Just wondering.
I realize there really is no reasoning here, but maybe you will consider that there are more ways to see the world, than this distorted mentality that judges people by their skin color, and engages in a gruesome competition over "victimhood".
It's just a lens through which you see reality, but it's not the truth. A very hateful and racist lens at that.
I suggest to you to judge a person by the intention in their heart, by the good they do unto others. Not their skin color. You would be doing the world a favor.
The only thing I agree with you on, is that Jews owe the world. We do. That's what I meant by special. That of all people, we owe the most. That doesn't mean we need to commit suicide or allow you to exterminate us, but it does mean that we need to correct our egos and divisions and become an example society, an example of unity for the world, a unity that includes all people of all backgrounds. This is the real solution to all the suffering, because it treats the root cause: the human ego(what we call "the evil inclination of man"). It raises us to a higher level of consciousness where we are connected, and we treat each other with love.
For this cause only, we returned to our land. Otherwise we are not entitled to it. It is a holy land, meant for those who can serve the world and bring love to people's hearts.
So Jews are at the same time probably the greatest victims of humanity's hate crimes. But at the same time, we definitely owe the world the most.
Complexity is a quality of Nature. It's for evolved human minds...