First I don't speak for Bennet, nor do I agree with his opinions. (I don't know many politicians that can be taken as an example for anything these days).
Second, what I speak of is not religious. My approach is integral-spiritual, and has nothing to do with institutionalized religion as we know it.
I don't think anyone understands the Bible or what it said. If they did, they would know that it's all about transforming your ego (or narcissism if you will) into love of others.
All the religions originated from these deep inner teachings and corrupted them. So if you look at Sufism and Kabbalah- the more internal wisdoms within Judaism and Islam, you will see that they are all about Love. So is Buddhism, and Tao....
So deep down there is a universal wisdom about how we are all interconnected, and interdependent, and we need to learn how to change our egoistic consciousness into unity consciousness.
The Bible is a text that speaks of this but it is so high, and so encrypted, that no one understands it. It doesn't speak about geography or history, it's a spiritual text.
In fact, if we all move from the material interpretations to the more spiritual ones, we will find how we can connect. Religion divides, spirituality connects.