Felt That You Hate Jews Lately? Let Me Explain Why

There’s a reason why you feel what you feel, and it’s not what you think.

Tal Mandelbaum
5 min readFeb 1, 2019
Photo by Yosef Pregadio on Unsplash

Ever felt that you hate Jews? Feel uneasy about them? How about Israel? Do you hate Israel? Do you sometimes feel that if Israel did not exist, the world would be safer, and just generally better off?

An EOS Gallup Europe survey showed that Europeans view Israel as the No 1 threat to world peace, ahead of Iran and North Korea.

Jews are consistently blamed for controlling the world, the banks, the weather, for causing the economic crises and exploitation of the masses, for 9/11, even for creating Isis.

So, if you ever felt hate or anger towards Jews, you are not alone.

There are many, many people all over the world, from all religions, cultures, and nationalities, who feel the same.

It doesn’t even matter if there are Jews around you, or in your country, you may still feel that you hate them.

It may not be all the time, but the sensation that Jews are to blame may arise in you especially when things don’t work out in your life.

In fact, in 2009 the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology published a study titled “Modern Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israeli Attitudes”.

They wanted to find out how Anti-Semitism was linked to people’s sense of angst, in this case, their personal fear of death, which is basically the greatest negative experience we know.

They showed that mortality salience (reminding people that they will someday die) increases Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israel attitudes.

The study also showed that mortality salience caused Israel, but no other country to perceptually loom large.

It further showed that mortality salience increased punitiveness toward Israel’s human rights violations, more than it increased hostility toward the identical human rights violations committed by Russia or India.

The researchers managed to expose these sentiments in even the most polite participants, showing a very basic underlying attitude towards Jews.

Faced with fear, dread or unease, many people sense that Israel and the Jews are somehow at fault.

And here is where I want to ask you for just a moment to consider:


Could there be a deeper reason that so many people feel Jews and Israel are to blame for such a contradictory collection of issues?

The Reason You May Feel That Jews Are To Blame

Let’s face it, people have a myriad of explanations to why they feel that Jews are bad. From socialism to capitalism, to religious reasons and conspiracy theories, everyone has their own take.

Even if Jews can’t be all of these things at once.

So consider that there is one deeper, root to all of this sentiment.

Consider that if people knew the real reason they hate Jews, they could also learn how to channel their anger constructively, so that something finally CHANGES for the better.

Because Jews really do have a special role to play in everyone’s happiness.

It’s just not what you think.

Very few Jews actually know this, but as a collective, they have a primordial inner potential to unite among themselves, and thus bring peace, harmony and what’s referred to as “Tikkun Olam” to the world.

Consider that we live in a kind of human network where we are all interconnected and interdependent. But it’s all falling apart because the connector units aren’t functioning properly, because the glue is not there to hold it together.

THAT’S what Jews are meant to do. They are the hubs, the conduits through which unity and love must flow to the rest of the network. This positive influence is what’s necessary for relationships to work out on every level.

The Jewish heritage is full of sayings about the people of Israel being “brothers who are in mutual concern for one another”, united “as one man in one heart”.

It contains deep and thorough spiritual teachings about HOW to “love others as yourself”

…but it‘s not taken seriously, it’s not being realized.

So Jews continue to be divided and the world continues to move into crisis after crisis- lacking the method to connect its failing limbs into one thriving organism.

Jewish sages such as Rabbi Kook wrote of this many many times.

“The construction of the world, which is currently crumpled by the dreadful storms of a blood-filled sword requires the construction of the Israeli nation … in anticipation of a force full of unity … that is found in Israel.” (Lights)

Forgetful of their role, Jews continue to be baffled by the world’s demands towards them, unaware that they carry the key.

How To Create True Change

The Jewish people have suffered tremendously at the hands of the nations of the world.

Throughout history, the rage that people felt towards Jews imploded and surfaced as hate speech, physical attacks, pogroms, and even calculated mass murder strategies.

But the violence towards Jews has never been constructive. The nations that lost their Jews were not better off for it. On the contrary.

Wherever Jews have dwelled they brought prosperity and development.

Their unique inner potential has enabled them to advance and contribute to society more than any other people.

Yet, patents, inventions, and even humanitarian aid were never what the world truly needed from them.

And now Antisemitism is on the rise once more.

The post World War II notions of peace, equality, and democracy that the world hoped would prosper and last, are once again challenged.

As if no one has learned the lessons of the past.

To really be smart, to get the results that we need, violence must be renounced.

Instead, anyone who feels hate towards Jews or Israel must channel this angst, to pressure them TO UNITE.

Unity is the key to fulfilling the Jewish role as the light unto the nations.

Jewish efforts to rise above their divisions and unite will create a profound ripple effect throughout the entire human network, ushering in a new sense of harmony, love, and stability.

Jews need to remember that and to realize the enormous wisdom and special traits that they carry.

If you have felt anger or hate towards Jews and Israel lately, understand where it’s coming from.

Help direct Jews and the world towards unity and connection.

It’s the only way.

Read more about why people hate Jews



Tal Mandelbaum
Tal Mandelbaum

Written by Tal Mandelbaum

Psychologist, spiritual teacher & mom, passionate about fulfilling our highest potential! Get my free “Sage’s Map of Reality” https://bit.ly/3AUnhLs

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